On February 12, 2021 Vlaams Centrum voor Kwalitiet (Belgian Quality Organisation – VCK) and the European Organisation for Quality (EOQ) met virtually to discuss the importance of a strong network, quality in times of crisis and the role of quality professionals. An interview that quality network can have a positive, lasting impact on an international level.

An Kint, VCK director and EOQ Vice-President , Ulf Gustavsson, EOQ Secretary General and Torolf Paulshus, EOQ President exchanged views on the basis of a number of questions such as :

What role did Quality take on during rhis global pandemic?

Is there an opportunity in every crisis?

How can we look at Quaity Culture going forward in a digital world with a flexible working environment?

Why is it important to join an organisation like VCK or EOQ and to network with other quality professionals?

For more info, visit www.vck.be or watch the video of the interview here