European Quality Trademark

The EQTM Mission

  • For customers to identify products, achieving high and sustained quality
  • Promote products in Europe and around the world to increase sales

If you want to know more, please contact us.

Interested in the list of EQTM companies? Click this link and scroll down to the Register of EOQ European Quality Trade Mark Holders.

Basic Facts

EQTM could be obtained only for products with European origin.
The product have been manufactured by companies that are able to continually sustain the agreed quality.

The process of obtaining EQTM will be professionally managed an controlled by a Committee.

The validity is three years at a time.

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Requirements for the product

The product has to be at least three years on the market. Its quality characteristics should be constantly improved so that the product will meet customer expectations.

The product should be at least 60% European sourced.

Revenues generated from the sales of the product must be realized with at least three different customers, where none of them exceeds 70% of the product annual turnover.

The product has been developed by the company and in no way copies or imitates similar products. If and when required, intellectual property rights have beenobtained.

The quality of the delivered products must be regularly monitored. The result must be at least 90%.

Requirements for the company

The company has been registered with its headquarters and operations in Europe. Business results have to be positive.

It does not refer only to the product, but to the entire business operations, including any other business being executed by the company (products or services).

The company has acquired all licenses and permits proving that the product has been manufactured according to national and international requirements and standards. It has introduced the requirements referring to health& safety and environmental issues.

Financial obligations, referring to stakeholders outside and within  the company must be settled, including any finacial disputes referring to the product.

The company has implemented and certified QMS (Quality Management System).