As an EA stakeholder with Thomas Votsmeier as EOQ representative, we would like to share the EA annual report with you.  Keep up to date with EAAB activities :

What would be an Annual Report in 2020 without mentioning COVID-19? Saying that it reshuffled entirely the cards is probably an understatement. EA had to adapt, and find new ways of working, assessing, and peer evaluating since it was impossible to meet except virtually. EA Members, Stakeholders, EA Evaluators and the Secretariat were equal to the challenge, and proved again that a 20 years old association have still reserve of strength.

At a time where the country of one of our founding members has left the European Union, staying together is more than an objective, it’s a necessity.

Therefore, in order to adapt quicker to the market and inject fresh new ideas, the EA structure has evolved. The new management will be in charge as of January 2021 of paving the way for EA and accreditation in Europe for the next years.

One of the major steps will be the implementation of the EA MLA Mark, which will help give a better understanding and promotion of what the EA MLA value is, and the decision regarding the future membership status of UKAS inside EA.

Due to COVID-19, and its impact on face-to-face meetings, the transition to a greener way of working is now appearing easier than a few months ago. EA is willing to contribute to the European Green Deal project, initiated by the European Commission, and will set up concrete measures in 2021.

2021 will probably be as challenging as 2020, but thanks to our previous experience, we know for sure this will only lead to better mutual comprehension and collaboration.

Dr Andreas Steinhorst, Executive Secretary

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